Please confirm your gift:
If you have any problems making your online payment, please contact Potentiality at
Please select your preferred method of payment:
Amount to transfer: £0.00
Your transaction ID:
Please use this ID whenever referencing this transaction
Thank you for your kind pledge to make a gift to support the Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation.
You can transfer your gift to the following account.
Account Name Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation
Sort Code 20-27-66
Account No. 03234479
Bank Barclays Bank
Bank Address 6 Market Place, Durham, DH1 3NB
You can transfer your gift to the following account.
Account Name Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation
Sort Code 20-27-66
Account No. 03234479
Bank Barclays Bank
Bank Address 6 Market Place, Durham, DH1 3NB
If you're planning on paying by Bank Transfer please click below to confirm. Enter your email address if you'd also like these instructions sent via email:
Confirm your intent to make a Bank Transfer
Amount to pay: £0.00
Your transaction ID:
Please use this ID whenever referencing this transaction
Please make cheques payable to Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation.
If you're planning on paying by cheque please click below to confirm. Enter your email address if you'd also like these instructions sent via email:
Confirm your intent to pay by Cheque
Enter your email address here if you would like payment instructions sent via email:
If you have any further instructions such as who to address the invoice to, please enter here:
Request invoice